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The Joint Masters Programme

The CNE program is a joint master program in Chemical Nanoengineering offered by three European universities:

Aix-Marseille University (France)

Prof: Philippe Knauth
(Program Coordinator)

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Poland)

Prof: Piotr Rutkowski
(Local Coordinator)

University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy)

Prof: Maria Luisa Di Vona
(Local Coordinator)


The Aix Marseille University

The Aix Marseille University is a world leader in the research of nano-porous systems and adsorption in porous materials. The laboratory MADIREL (Department of Chemistry) is known internationally for its competences in characterization of nano-porous materials and dispersed systems, in thermodynamics of adsorption and in electrochemistry of solids and in solution, experimentally and numerically.
The conducted research domains are related to many technological problems, including storage, capture and separation of hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, nanomaterials and electrochemical energy technologies. The Marseille partner has developed strong research cooperation with University of Missouri, University of Montpellier, and with Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and with the Partners from Wroclaw and Rome. New cooperation programs are under development with University in Seville, in Fortaleza and with the University of Queensland.

See The Team

The Wroclaw University of Science and Technology

The Wroclaw University of Science and Technology is an engineering school having very rich research programs in nanoscience. Many of them are characterized by bio-applications: bioreactor processes, bio-membrane separations, bio-photonics. These bio-aspects and engineering profile of nano-science is an important contribution for this Joint Master project, because the mechanisms of nano-engineering have been first observed in biological systems. Wroclaw has also a long history of numerical modeling research in this area which is an important part of our study program objectives. The Polish Partner has cooperation programs with Lvov in Ukraine, with the University of Missouri and with the Partner from Marseille.

See The Team

The University of Rome Tor Vergata

The University of Rome Tor Vergata is strongly committed to promoting the international dimension of studies and research. In line with this objective, 16 degree programs are “international” and the majority of Doctoral programs are offered in English. “Tor Vergata” is developing multiple lines of work with the aim of promoting “social innovation and growth of the territory”. The Department of Industrial Engineering has excellent credentials in nano-phase separated membranes for electrochemical energy technologies, in nano-fluidics, in technological aspects of smart polymers, and in the preparation and testing of materials organized into micro-and nano-systems. The Department is considered a leader in the transfer of technology to industry which is considered a strategic aspect of nano-engineering. It has strong cooperation programs with the Northeastern University in Boston and with Aix Marseille University.

See The Team
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