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Frequently asked questions

If you don’t find the answer to your question, please contact us.
Identification & Visa

I do not have a passport; may I use another ID number in my application form?

Yes, you can use that during the application process. Nevertheless, if you are selected and you do not have an EU id card, you need to provide a valid passport.

I have a passport that is not 12 months valid when arriving in the host country. That means I should apply for the extension of my passport validity to fulfil the requirement. Can I proceed with my application process with the existing passport?

You can apply with your current identification, even if it is not valid for the entire Programme duration. You will have to provide a copy of your new passport as soon as you have it.

Do I need to apply for a visa in addition to the online application?

You should first apply online to the CNE programme. If you are selected, we will help you with your visa application.

If selected, which visa do I need to provide to join the programme?

You will need to apply for a French Visa (student mobility visa with the possibility to apply for a French residence permit during your stay in Marseille).

English Proficiency

Is there any minimum score required for the TOEFL or IETLS tests?

Official certificates are expected: a CEFRL B2 level, or a similar test, such as IELTS (6,5) or TOEFL (IBT 91).

If I have been enrolled in an English teaching programme before, do I still have to submit a TOEFL or IELTS certificate?

No. In that case, a certificate from the institution where you have taken the English teaching programme or any other proof of English teaching programme will be sufficient.

I will receive my TOEFL or IETLS certificate only after the deadline of application, what should I do?

No, you need to provide a copy of the certificate or a proof that your degree was taught in English.

Register and login on application platform

I have not received any email to activate my account. What should I do?

First of all, register to the application platform using an email address that do not use any filtering system (such as boxbe, …). Indeed, most of the emails will be automatically sent to you by our application, and if your messaging system rejects these emails, we have no way to send them again.

Check also in the spam box using the webmail and/or an email client.

As a last resort, renew your password at

Try to avoid creating a second application file.

Upload of requested documents

Can a student who will graduate in June of the coming year, apply?

Yes, of course! We know that most students who apply are currently enrolled for their last year or session of a BSc or BEng Programme (or equivalent). In this case the diploma will be requested after selection. Please provide a certificate from your University about your current status and the planned date of graduation.

In the application file, what is the accepted language for diplomas and grades translation?

To apply, diplomas and grades have to be translated in English. If accepted, the candidates will also have to provide a translation in French of her/his birth certificate and last diploma to enrol.

Which topic should be covered by an essay on nano-engineering required in the application?

Write your own opinion on nanoengineering and nanotechnology. Choose any nanoengineering subject that interest you. No specific structure is required.

Do we have to confirm the authenticity of document translation from one language to another one by notary service?

Yes, it is required. All documents must be certified.

I made a mistake and I would like to modify the information that I have already given. What should I do?

You should be able to change almost everything in the application documents. You can upload revised versions of the files that you have already uploaded. You can also delete previously submitted files. You can use the “Other document” to send extra information. But you will not be allowed to act on the recommendation letters sent directly by your referents.

Once you have validated your application, it appears as “Sent”, meaning that you cannot change your form. If necessary, you can

  • Go to the “Checklist” tab, then submit a new attachment in the “Other document” section.
  • Ask us to change minor things. Be very clear in telling us what should be suppressed and what should be added.
  • Ask us to put your application back in the “In Progress (not submitted yet)” status. You should then be able to make the corrections by yourself. Please do not forget to validate your application again before the application deadline.
Recommendations Letters

The referents I specified did not receive any invitation email.

Main instructions are given in the application platform, in the “References” section (top of the page). You are expected to provide the names, status and contact information of (at most) two referents. They will automatically receive an invitation to provide an online recommendation.

Your referents should receive the recommendation request by email as soon as you have filled and closed the “References” form page. If they do not receive the email, it can be due to:

  • you have given a wrong email address for your referent.
  • the email has been filtered by your referent’s email system. Tell your referent to check their email spam boxes.
  • the email has been rejected by your referent’s email system (it can be due to a grey listing system, to the use of email protections such as boxbe, …).

Can I renew my invitation to my referent(s)?

As long as your application is in the incomplete status (not yet validated), you can send the request again.

How many recommendation letters are needed?

Two recommendations are required.

During your master program

Can I decide where I would like to study or is it mandated for them through the programme?

Master CNE has a fixed path (1st semester in Marseille, 2nd in Wroclaw, 3rd in Rome, 4th – Master thesis internship, Master thesis defences in Marseille)

Can I decide where I do my master thesis?

A list of Master thesis proposal will be presented to students during their 3rd semester in Rome. You will be requested to choose a topic (and place) from this list as we need to be sure that there are actuals means to do this project.

What will be my accommodation?

You will be proposed an accommodation at the university dorms by the local coordinators but you are free to choose your own solution.

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